Friday, March 6, 2020

Resin Cat Charm Video

Resin videos or resin tutorial videos have been taking up a lot of my instagram browsing recently, so I decided to try and make a little video of my own!  I couldn't find a proper surface to stabilize my camera so the view changes between cuts, but I hope it is still clear!

Resin Cat Key Charm Video
I've posted it over on my new instagram (am I punny yet?) and hope to make more videos!

Though the video is short, it's because I had to cut out so much of the fiddling around with the colors of resin.

For reference, this is the cat I was making:
Miyoko trying to be a part of our role play group
The charm is a gift for my friend who hosts the role play groups with her boyfriend (our game master) and I hope they like it!

While I used to do YouTube videos on the computer with editing program, the instagram video is edited on my phone, which is why there is a watermark in the full view, but on instagram it is cropped out due to the size limitation.

Miyoko was a fairly simple hesign because she's black and white and the colors don't mix anywhere.  I was thinking of doing one for myself of Natto, but he's gray on gray with a touch of white O_O

Sleepy boy

Why does Natto look so grumpy here?  He's NEVER grumpy!

My handsome baby! He doesn't mind accessories around his neck so that's awesome
I feel like a gray on gray look is above my abilities right now!!!

Thank you for reading and commenting!  Do you have any favorite resin video accounts or resin artists?  I'm always looking for more!  The tags can get a bit crowded on instagram though, so there's a lot of sifting through!

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