Happy Valentine's Day (or Internet Friend Day)! Here's to celebrating self-love, friends, family, and significant others if you have them!
I'm single so I spent the day watching Burn Notice with friends in discord, and then attending a board game night with IRL friends! I brought salted dark chocolate truffles to share 😻and one of the other members brought canelés and a little cheesecake to share! They were so delicious~
Skirt: handmade by me
Belt: Target
Shoes: Sheep Puff (taobao)
Games were super fun and I had a great time!
POne of my online friends also sent me this slice of chocolate cake on UberEATS!! As well as a brunch/breakfast, though the photos of that don't look as nice 🙀 It was a delicious and lovely surprise!
Overall, it was a wonderful day. I am so happy and grateful for my friends, both IRL and online 😻
Do you play board games? We played some really fun ones yesterday that I'd like to share:
Party Alias: Describe a word/phrase to your teammate and have them guess as many as you can before the timer runs out! If you land on a star, you add a "party" card that adds a challenge (e.g., say 是也/"desu" at the end of each sentence) for the next round.
Come On! Bite Me!: A quick and easy game that works well as an ice-breaker! Everybody has one facedown card. "Bite" somebody and if your number is equal or bigger, you win and keep their card as points. They draw a new card. You can also do a group attack against stronger foes, but be aware that you must reveal your card in such a case. Also the points go to the one with the lowest number, so sometimes weaker cards will show up to "help" and in fact, just steal points!
Top Ten: One player draws the topic, and the others draw numbers. Answer the topic according to your number and the asker needs to guess the number order from lowest to highest. This is a teamwork game and can get rather unhinged in answers!
Did you celebrate? Thank you for being a reader and/or commenting! I appreciate you all as well~
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