Tuesday, April 22, 2014

All About ME Meetup!

Just kidding the meetup wasn't actually all about me! DORO arranged a meetup because I haven't been to one in over a year! We went to California Pizza Kitchen, an art exhibit to see a friend's artwork, and then went out for dinner. It was a roughly seven-hour long meetup haha~

Unfortunately when I got to CPK the other Lolitas had ordered the group meal which had no vegetarian options, but I did get to try a slice of the dessert pizza, boba milk tea pizza!! Yes, it was invented in Taiwan and is every bit as strange as it sounds. Very yummy though!
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We got really silly and took photos of us imitating the Thousand Hand GuanYin/KwanYin because... why not?
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For privacy's sake everybody is a bunny
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Walking through the exhibit. LOTS of different artists!
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My favorite piece at ANO's exhibit (he's the one with dreads):
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It's all 8-bit gaming icons! How many do you recognize?

This is a very fun piece too. It's "Magic Hat"
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Oh, it's an 8-bit bunny coming out of an 8-bit hat
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Ok so it's not exactly magic, but it's cute!

Frogger, anybody?
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There are lots of cars I don't recognize in this one :P

And another interactive piece shows these 8-bit owls and a mommy owl. It's actually a light, so when it's off, you see them chilling on a branch. When the light is turned on, you can see raindrops and the mommy owl's wings stretched out to shield her babies~
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Super cute!

Hope everybody had a great weekend!
What's your favorite game? Mine is Pokemon for sure :D I actually had my Pokewalker and Pokemon X on me the whole day at the meetup :P