Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sweet and Savory Chocolate Dishes at Chocoholic!

 Yesterday I went to a restaurant I've been wanting to go to for a while called Chocoholic where they specialize in... you guessed it, chocolate!  So even their savory dishes mostly contain chocolate!  Unfortunately, they also all contain meat, so I wasn't able to try any of them!!  Even the Chocolate Seafood Lasagna had bacon in it!

Instead, I tried the spinach salmon quiche which was pretty good!  I also ordered an Aztec hot chocolate, which is mildly spicy and very delicious.  It's not too sweet, but has the richness of chocolate flavor accompanied by a bit of heat kick.  Scrumptious!

I went with two friends and one got the Chocolate Seafood Lasagna while the other got the Chocolate Roasted Chicken.  I only took a photo of the lasagna, but you can see that they've added chocolate powder on top:

My friend said that it tasted good!  Creamy and cheesy with only a hint of chocolate flavor, not overpowering.  I wish I could try it!

The decor inside the little restaurant was chocolate themed and classy.

They have many framed images hanging up on the walls as well as a cupboard of mugs signed by celebrities who'd visited before.  I didn't recognize most of the celebrities so I didn't take a photo.  Celebrity culture is not something I follow at all!

They also had a little nook of kneeling/floor seats!

For some reason, I was super hungry yesterday, so after we ate at Chocoholic, we went to Dreamer's Cafe, a chain cafe shop, and I ordered a veg bacon egg cheese muffin sandwich and an Americano.  I was surprised to find that Dreamer's has many veg meat options!  That's pretty cool to have a mix of both veg and regular meats for customers to enjoy.

I didn't get an outfit shot because it was a pretty regular outfit (BTSSB Gingham Ribbon Rose OP in black with black shoes and KC) that I've worn many times before, so didn't bother with another photo.  Maybe I really should have taken another photo though.  Or figure out how to coordinate it differently!  I always accessorize with black... Since it's got pink roses on it, I should try coordinating with pink accessories next time to make it more interesting....

Would you try a savory chocolate dish?  What savory dish do you think would work best with chocolate?

Thanks for reading as always!


  1. Aaaaah, why can't they have veg options everywhere? I drooled seeing the quiche *Q* No matter where you go, the place is always so cute!

    1. It's becoming more common to get veg options! But there are still times that there are none O_Q
      At least the quiche was delicious!
      There are many cute places in Taipei :3 I'm happy about that~

  2. I don't know how to feel about chocolate in *EVERYTHING*...and I love chocolate a lot! XD But I'm glad you were able to find something to eat! And Dreamer's sounds like an amazing place!


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