Monday, January 27, 2025

Random Day Out

 Last week I went out with my mom to eat and walk around.  This is a bit delayed post as usual 😹

We were around Taipei 101 and got some photos with setups around the area.

Jacket: Hot Topic
Bag: Swimmer Japan
Shoes: Sheep Puff (taobao)

I'm not into Pop Mart though I know it's insanely popular.  There were some Pop Mart setups in 101 so I took photos with them even though I don't know who the characters are.

We saw some cool design stuff at a shop!
I didn't know there was an EVA x Godzilla crossover?

招財貓 working hard to bring us all more fortune!

Very cool Harry Potter iPad pen!

It's nice to have just a chill day out with my mom from time to time 😻

Ending with a photo dump of the food I had at buffet!

Hope you're all doing well and having a good day/week/Chinese New Year break if you've got it!!!


  1. The flower arch oh my god!!!! This is literally what I want at my wedding I'm crying, how do I put this in my pocket to bring home with me xD also the strong arm lucky cats are HILARIOUS!

    1. @黒い Amiman
      YES the flower arch was so lovely!!! It would be so fitting for a wedding O_O
      We all need a bit of the strong arm money/lucky cats in our lives right now 😹


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