Sunday, April 25, 2021

Wa Lolita for Virtual Tea Party

Today I had another virtual tea party with the waifus!  I decided to wear my Wa lolita dress that I bought from Metamorphose in Tokyo as it is comfortable (fully-shirred back) and has lots of interesting things right on the front, which is what the camera mostly picks up anyway.  In the end, the waist ribbon didn't even show on the screen call, but if your camera setup is different, having something interesting on the front is a good thing!

Originally I wasn't going to wear makeup, but then... I just really wanted to!!

I did a simple look today.  Like last time, I used no foundation because my Chromebook camera isn't good enough to pick up skin unevenness~ I'm only wearing a purple-tinted sunscreen (though in future, I may look into a green-tinted one for the rosacea/redness instead)

My hair is curled with the heatless curling method again.  Since I cut the face-framing layers, I've been experimenting with different hair styles to try and come up with some simple go-to looks.  This time, I did half-up twintails at a lower height for a more mature-kawaii look.  Very high twintails are extra youthful and childish, but sometimes it can feel a little much ^^;   If you feel like you are outgrowing the childish look, or if you fear looking like an auntie trying too hard to hold onto teenage years, a slightly lower height may be a good balance!

My sweets for today were a matcha cream puff (SO good!!) and a chocolate Boston cream pie.  I have never had an "authentic" Boston cream pie so I am not sure if this is an accurate one  but the cream seemed a bit much for me.  The matcha cream puff was filled with matcha cream and the matcha chocolate shell paired well with the plain pastry and sweet filling.  It may have been a touch too sweet for me, but with the red tea I had, it toned down the sweetness enough.

Overall it was a lovely way to spend the day with my best friends!  It felt good to put a full Lolita outfit on as well! 

Hope to have some hairstyles put together for a future collection.  Partially, I want to have a post that I can refer back to myself for when I am out of ideas for what to do for easy hairstyles, but I hope it is helpful to others as well!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have been finding little ways to stay in touch with people you care about as well as taking care of yourself!

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