Thursday, March 24, 2022

Wisteria Garden Visit

 Yet another flower post!  This is the last one for a while~

Kamiko and I went to a wisteria place that actually costs money to enter.  It was sunny and cloudy, so the clouds served as a wonderful light filter!  It wasn't terribly hot either.  This was truly a perfect day to go see flowers.

This garden place is split up into three sections, though the first section had the best photo opportunities I think.  There is also a rule of no touching the flowers!  Only fallen flower petals can be touched.  

There were a few other groups of people there, so it was difficult to get photos without people in the background.  We did our best!

I French-braided my hair the night before to give it some fluffiness, and then did twin braids in the morning to keep the hair off my neck as it was warm out.  The waviness from overnight braids gave my hair ends some volume, which I think looks nicer than completely straight ends.

While we were there, we saw a little girl, maybe around 5, who was dressed up like an absolute princess!  She had a Victorian-looking dress on with rose hair accessories and her mother was taking photos of her.  I'm not a creep so I didn't take photos of her.  You'll just have to believe me!

I wore purple mascara and purple false lashes on this day, but it is completely unnoticeable in photos O_Q

Blouse: Little Dipper (taobao)
Wrist Stoppers, Rose Ring: handmade

It was lightly breezy, which wafted the beautiful fragrance of the flowers around from time to time.  It felt so lovely and dreamy!

This garden allows pet entry (with an entrance fee of NT$100) and I took a photo of this adorable dog dressed up!

After going out so many times recently, I needed a week or so to recover my social energy!!  I'm so bad at going out.  Plus, the flower gardens are a bit of a travel away, and had many people.  All the same, I'm happy to get to hang out with Kamiko and enjoy the good weather while it lasted! 💖

How do you recharge your social battery?  Or are you an extrovert who recharges by being around others?  I ended up sleeping a lot for several days.  I was both sleeping my regular 8-9 hours a night and also napping during the day for another few hours.

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