Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Pastel Shironuri Dolls

Earlier in the month I did a shironuri photoshoot with my friend Fancy Mirage (website, IG) and photographer Lun (IG) from Hong Kong.

Left: Mirage in Metamorphose
Right: Me in BABY KC and Angelic Pretty JSK

Mirage is very dedicated to shironuri artform and helped me improve on my look.  He also did mockups of our outfits/styling before the shoot so we had a better idea of what things would look like.  I did a few practice runs of makeup and he and Lun gave me suggestions on how to improve!

Not going to lie, at first I thought I was going to do so poorly and felt like dropping out entirely, but I am glad I pushed through and had fun on the day of the shoot!

Dolls among sweets

The title for this series is Mirage's idea!  Do check out his IG linked above for more looks.

 We spent three hours at this studio R Room which costs NT$1500/hour.  I've only posted a few of the photos here so as to not make it too photo heavy!

Afterward, we went to Woosa Pancakes at the nearby department store to treat Lun to soufflé pancakes as thanks for the photos as well as get ourselves some yummy treats!

I got the regular honey ice cream pancake. NT$280 if I remember correctly!
The lighting was quite yellow here, so I had to edit the photo quite a bit.

Overall, it was a pricey but fun day!  Also I hope the photos load at the correct size as they seem to be staying small despite my resizing while I'm typing this >_<;
EDIT: It seems they do not resize, so you'll need to click on the photos to see them at proper size, sorry!

Thank you for reading!  I took the MRT home looking like this O_O and was rather aware of people who stared.  Usually I don't notice people staring when I'm wearing Lolita or other alternative fashions, but shironuri is probably a bit more over the top than that!  Still, I am glad for the experience and grateful to Mirage and Lun for the photos!

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