Monday, August 26, 2024

A Random Day Out

This past weekend I had a random day out with a friend!  I was struck by an ad on Instagram for a salmon noodles place (where the noodles are made of salmon; it's essentially sashimi in a different shape.  No wheat noodles involved!) and ended up going with my friend.  I wore a casual outfit for the hot, humid day~

Top: Putumayo
Skirt: axes femme
Since it was a casual evening outing, I didn't wear any makeup either.  Au naturale face let's go!
Bat clip: Tila Bunny Sweety (local brand)
Earrings: Hot Topic (gift from my little sister)

I arrived at the popular little shop 10 minutes early and there were already people queuing!  I didn't know we had to sign up on a clipboard for a space, but luckily another waiting patron noticed me just standing and pointed it out to me.  So I likely got a few spaces later than I otherwise would have!

When the shop opened, they went down the line on the clipboard and let people in.  Because the shop is so small, only around 20 people can fit at one time!  We were group 03 in the waiting queue.  And that means we waited about... 1 hour 15 minutes 🙃 before we were seated.  Since we could chat, it wasn't too bad.  I'm just glad it didn't rain!

I ordered the regular salmon noodles for NT$480

It's got a touch of gold leaf foil!  Also comes with some other seafood in addition to salmon

My friend got shrimps as well, and shared one with me.  It was so tasty!
Salmon roe on the shrimp!

The Instagram ad actually was pushing this ice block salmon noodles.  It cost $600 but looks so grand! I wish I'd gotten a better photo of it!

The salmon noodles come with your choice of sauce and we both chose Japanese sauce (other option is Thai.)

Our table!  You can see the bowl of Japanese sauce here

I've been wanting to try salmon noodles ever since I found out about them via oogui eater (big eater) Yuka Kinoshita's channel.  There was a video where she cut her own salmon noodles out of 2kg of salmon!  It is really so tasty~  The texture is different from slab-cut sashimi and the dipping sauce was a perfect blend of savory and tang (from the citrus fruits and onion) that complemented the salmon well.

We waited maybe 15 minutes for our food so in total, from the shop opening, we waited 1 hour and 45 minutes.  It was so delicious I think it was worth it!  But I likely will not go back again too soon to be honest 😹

If anybody is interested, the shop is called 萬萬海鮮 (One One Seafood) and does NOT take reservations!  You MUST queue in person!

Afterwards, we took a short walk about 2 blocks to a coffee shop my friend recommended.

It smelled so good inside!  I impromptu ordered a cinnamon roll due to the fragrance~ 

My friend ordered the classic toast with butter

The cinnamon roll was delicious!  Not too sweet, and covered in walnuts(?) on top!  I got a simple Americano to match.  My friend got a nice pour-over/hand-drip coffee that tasted really good.  Had a very fragrant note to it.  We've both been into brewing coffee recently, so tasting good coffee is a good talking point!  I'm actually waiting on two more bags of coffee to come in that I've ordered from overseas 🙃 The shipping is expensive and slow!

Overall, it was a nice evening.

Thank you for reading!  What is your favorite pairing for pastries?  I do enjoy some pastries better with tea, but for cinnamon roll, I think coffee wins out for me!


  1. I agree coffee is best with pastries! I've never had coffee shipped from overseas but I think I would for Cuban coffee ( ´ཀ` ) . Speaking of drooling, your salmon bowl looks DELICIOUS!

    1. @黒い Amiman
      The one I got is from a brand called Madrinas. It was my first time getting "flavored" coffee, where they add flavors like chocolate cinnamon, salted caramel, and cinnamon roll. It's so delicious! Even as black coffee, it's got so many flavors in it!
      The salmon bowl was absolutely delicious and I want to find other places that have salmon noodles to try now!!

  2. That's so cool! I didn't know you could make noodles out of fish! I couldn't eat it but everything looks amazing!

    Omg those giant toasts! I miss having those!!!! Definitely great with coffee! <3

    Also THAT BAT CLIP! Does the maker have a site? I need to purchase at least one!

    1. @キーリん♡
      Oh no, I wonder if there is something similar that you could try.... or just some place that uses giant ice blocks as their bowls for fun XD

      Thick milk toast is very delicious! I always feel like I can make it myself so I don't ever order it, but then I never make it at home T^T

      I found her pinkoi shop: but I don't think the clips are available there. I bought it at the last lolita market I went to. She sells at conventions and markets or via instagram ( The cookie clips/accessories really look good!!!


please share your thoughts!