Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Rollercoaster of a Day

 Have you ever had a day that seemed to alternate between good and bad things repeatedly?  Such was my Wednesday!  Let's run through my day (and start with my outfit for the day!)

Hair clips: Tila Bunny Sweety (local brand)
Necklace: Angelic Studio (local brand)
JSK: Metamorphose temp de la fille

The plan was to go to Kokorolia as they have a yukata event this week, so all the maids are wearing yukata each day (shortened ones, so they can walk quickly and easily, plus they look sexier I suppose!)  I planned my outfit with my wa-lolita dress and Vivienne Westwood x melissa rockinghorse shoes in red.

Unfortunately, after I met up with my friends, we were walking to the maid cafe when...

A nightmare!!  The shoes are old, but I haven't worn the red ones nearly as much as the black ones I own.  I suppose storage can still age shoes, but it was truly an unfortunate timing!  It was also raining, to make things worse 🌧
The bottom of the shoe top is slick plastic, so it was very dangerous to walk on wet ground.  We went slowly, with me limping due to the extreme difference in height between my two shoes now.

After we reached Kokorolia, we found that it was full!  We had to wait 2 hours for an opening.  In the meantime, we went to the nearby Sushiro to have some sushi first.  I only had three plates as I wanted to save room for Kokorolia food!  On the way to Sushiro, my friend suggested I buy slippers at 7-11, so I got some hot pink flip flops.  They cost NT$95 which seemed a bit much to me for the quality of flip flops they are, but such is the cost of convenience.

When it was finally our turn to go to the maid cafe, I had a good time!  I ended up not getting the yukata theme special meal set as I felt I couldn't finish it (noodles, soup, ice cream, and drink) and got just a sundae and coffee.

The sundae was yummy as usual!  I got 2 scoops of chocolate and 1 scoop of vanilla in my sundae, and they decorated it to look like bears with little cereal ears!  The cake is tea-flavored and was very delicious.

Of course, I got a photo with ι›·ε¨œLeina~

I didn't even notice that I wore my hair exactly the same as the last time I came to Kokorolia πŸ™ƒ  I'm wishing I'd switched it up, but oh well!

Now that I have so many maid photos, I want to get one of those strings with flags to hang up on my wall and clip the photos to the strings so I can display them!

Afterward, I didn't want to be seen in flip flops with my outfit (plus I'm honestly not good at walking in flip flops... they fall off) so I took an expensive Uber home πŸš— and proceeded to get carsick almost as soon as we started going.

By the time I got home, I was afraid I was going to be sick!  Luckily, I wasn't.  I visited my mom to pick up some vitamin C, and passed out on her couch for a few hours from motion sickness 😴 When I woke up and went back to my place, I was removing my makeup when I discovered.... I'd crushed and ruined my favorite false lashes while sleeping!!

The makeup I wore

As sad as I am, I suppose that gives me reason to buy a new style of lashes I've been looking into trying. I'm thinking something like this:
I want to try the spikey bunches style!  So I'm telling myself that old saying, "If the old does not go, the new does not come." (θˆŠηš„δΈεŽ»,ζ–°ηš„δΈδΎ†)

Overall, it was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, but I choose to focus on the good parts of the dayπŸ’–!  I got to see and chat with my friends, get a photo with Leina, and enjoy some food.

I believe we can acknowledge the negative things in life and how they affect us😿, and then be grateful for the positive as well to maintain a good mood.  I am not one to deny feeling bad because something (or several somethings) bad happened to me.  It's possible to have both the bad and good in life, and still be happy!  To me, Lolita is about elegance, and dealing with such setbacks and bad events with elegance and grace is what it means to live a Lolita Lifestyle.  Of course I felt bad, but I sat with my emotions and let them flow over me, then focused on the good parts and worked on turning myself around.  It doesn't always work 100%, but I will keep trying!

Meanwhile, I am researching whether I can get my shoes fixed or not, or if it's even worth it.  To be honest, I will be scared to wear either of my rockinghorse shoes out again because I'm afraid the bottoms will come off, even if I get this pair fixed.  So is it worth it to even get them fixed if it's possible?  I might keep them for photoshoots or something in the future.... or just as collector's items because they do bring me joy, and they actually still smell faintly of the melissa trademark bubblegum scent even this many years later!
I've removed the red ribbons from the shoes to hopefully use in my hair in the future.  They are nice ribbons, after all!

Thanks for reading!  What do you do when something inconvenient happens to you?  How do you pick yourself up again?


  1. You are so amazing! Despite the bad stuff, you still managed to reflect on the positive and still enjoyed yourself! I would love to be like that. I hope you can get the shoes fixed and they'll function properly for you. I do love how your outfit and make came out! <3 You're always so adorable! And I hope we'll get to see your looks with the lashes! I love my spikey ones.

    1. @γ‚­γƒΌγƒͺγ‚“
      Thank you so much! It's a difficult skill to learn but I want to live my best life so I try to apply the skill when I can.
      There's not much contact spots on the shoe bottoms for glueing so I'm not sure whether they'll be able to be fixed well enough to wear out :(
      I'll be looking into trying some different makeup looks with new lashes I think!! Not sure what will be fitting for my face...

  2. That was crazy! This post had so many emotions & I adore this way of thinking; dealing with setbacks with elegance & grace <3 I'll write it on my notes to remember.
    You should absolutely fix the shoes, a proper glue for the materials used could do the job, wouldn't it? ;-; I also wanted to comment on your make up looking so cute! I'd also loooove to see the deco with the strings where you can hang your polaroids. I won't comment on the sweet... *Q* <3

    1. @MΡΛ
      It was a crazy day! I felt a bit mentally tired from the emotional whiplash I was getting 😹
      There aren't many contact points for glue on the shoes, so I'm not sure if regular shoe glue can fix it? It doesn't look like it was originally glued together at all!
      Thank you for your kind words! I was pleased with my makeup that day too 😻😻
      I went to Daiso to look for Halloween string banners, but they all had Disney or other characters on them... I want some neutral Halloween ones so my room can be spooky cute! Will keep searching 😸

  3. I really admire you for being able to recognize your emotions but remain positive and grateful. Lately I've come to the realization that I let negative things weigh me down. I dwell on everything bad and barely acknowledge the brief happier moments on days like the one you experienced. To remain graceful and elegant takes skill in my opinion, because when I'm upset . . . it is not pretty lol πŸ˜…

    1. @黒い Amiman
      Aw, sorry to hear that you struggle with dwelling on the bad stuff! It's a very difficult thing to change a habitual mindset, but it can be so helpful and let you live your best life! I'm not one for toxic positivity where people refuse to acknowledge the negative things, but we need to find the balance! 😸
      I find talking/writing about things can help us view things in a more balanced manner. Hopefully, you can find a way to find the balance in your life as well! I'll be rooting for you πŸ€—


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