Tuesday, September 17, 2024

An Upsy Downsy Moon Festival

 Happy Moon Festival 2024 everybody!!!

Oh boy was today a test of my emotional regulation!  For some reason, I've been quite low in mood and energy today and yesterday, but I had plans with my mom today and really didn't want to be a downer.  It feels like a lot of small, inconsequential things have simply added up to make me feel mentally and emotionally in the dumps, so I couldn't enjoy Moon Festival (also called Mid-Autumn Festival) as wholly as I would have liked, but I made the most of the day!

First, an outfit shot!
The print is actually a Moon Festival print with the Jade Rabbit in the moon!

When I woke up this morning, I discovered that one of my hair clips I'd purchased from a local artist has been EATEN BY BUGS!

Left: good hair clip
Right: eaten hair clip

This pissed me right off.  Not only have I been tackling cockroaches every night, but now they are eating non-food items???  I didn't even know they could eat such plastics/resin/clay items!  There is ZERO food kept in the drawer that I keep my makeup/hair clips in, so why are they even investigating there?

Then I poked myself in the eyes (both sides) when getting ready again 🙃 Why am I like this?  I also forgot to take any close-up eyemake photo, but it was just a blue and gold halo eye anyway, so not terribly interesting!

After I met up with my mom, we took the bus to the hotpot place where we found they had a new Hello Kitty promotional soup base!  It was the Hokkaido milk soup base with a pumpkin Hello Kitty frozen soup base!

Hello Kitty collab soup base!

This is the same mold they used for the frozen soup base during the last Hello Kitty collaboration but this time it's orange thanks to the pumpkin's coloring~

Hello Kitty is too short to see her face!

I put them into the soup, but Hello Kitty is shorter than their logo bear and you can't see her properly in the jacuzzi!  After it melted, the flavors combined and it was a really good soup base!  I got a fish platter (forgot photos!) and it tasted nice. I didn't even get dipping sauce~  The soup was so delicious I drank it plain as well.

The aircon at the restaurant was quite cold, so I didn't eat ice cream today.  My low mood also affected my appetite and I didn't eat as much as usual, but I did manage to finish all my fish.

Afterwards, my mom and I took a walk around, I bought cockroach bait and gel poison, and then we went to a liquor store I'd saved on my Google Maps to see if they had coffee liqueur, and they did!

Baby's First Kahlua~
Don't mind all the pomelos I have in the background

The cockroach bait cost quite a bit, but I hope it's effective.  I bought the brand recommended to me by a friend, so I hope it works!!

Of course, Moon Festival isn't complete without mooncakes, so when we got home, we went to my mom's place and she gave me six moon cakes!  Originally we were going to have three each, but then our friend gifted my mom three more, so we ended up with nine cakes between the two of us and my mom doesn't like sweets.... so now I've got six moon cakes in three flavors 🙃

Red bean I think?, uh... forgot but I hope it's lotus seed or salted egg yolk, and pineapple mochi

Overall, I'm choosing to focus on the good parts of the day and the time I got to spend with my mom, but let me tell you, my mental was TRYING my patience and my ability to see the good in things.

I should have drawn in my eyebrows... the lighting totally washes them out!

Anyway, I have showered and cancelled my Twitch stream for tonight to focus on myself and on setting up the roach traps.  I am feeling a bit better now, and hope to continue this upward trajectory!

Happy Moon Festival!  Do you celebrate?  Even if not, I hope you can have a good time with friends or family today.  Take some time to watch the full moon tonight, and remember that we are viewing the same moon, so with friends and family or alone, we are really not so far apart after all 💖

Thank you for taking the time to read this up and down type of post!!

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