Friday, September 6, 2024

Cardcaptor Sakura Pop-up Shop

It's been 25 years of Cardcaptor Sakura!  I went to a little exhibit/pop-up shop with my friend yesterday.  We met up at 6:30 for the tiny little shop, as it was a work day and we couldn't meet earlier.

I also did my hair in a new style for the first time!

Since the shop started on Aug. 15, some of the goods were already sold out, but I was still able to order some from their online shop!  Not everything is available, unfortunately, but I did buy so much I got free shipping 😹 and a gift with purchase.

Anyway, here is the new hairstyle I tried out:

I poked myself in the left eye when doing my makeup.  That's why it's a bit bloodshot :)

My hair is very frizzy/has a lot of flyaways, unfortunately.  I think for a more sleek look, I need hair wax.  In any case, I was following an Instagram tutorial for this heart-shaped hair (there are many online) except I braided the heart pieces as well.  If you have hair wax, you can leave them unbraided for a different look!  I was inspired to do this hair because Leina (from Kokorolia Maid Cafe) had her hair done like this before and assured me it wasn't terribly difficult.  

To me... it wasn't difficult in theory, but I also had long press-on nails on (trying them again after many years!) and my frizzy hair doesn't look as nice!  I did redo my left side to modify my technique a bit and make it neater.  I really like the finished result and plan to try it again in the future!

The "exhibit" portion was just this tiny setup or photos with some props on foamboard printed out.  The wands were all bending under their own weight, so that was unfortunate, but I think it looks ok in the photo!

I also brought out Violet's old cosplay!!  There are close-up photos of her later in the post.

The lighting wasn't very great so I had to edit all the photos in Snapseed.  I hope they turned out ok!
Clear Card

Sakura Card

Clow Card

It was nice to see the shop products in person before deciding whether to order online or not.  Some items I ended up deciding not to get, and instead added some new other items instead.  Being able to check the quality in person is always a good thing!

Macaron styled pins next to Taiwan Teddy in her cosplay

It's also been quite some time since Violet wore the red version of Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay!  This wig is not as nice as her Clear Card cosplay wig, but it still works!
Clow Card!

Her wand is the lip balm from years and years ago!  The lip balm was very nice and sakura-scented~  I used it all up already, and keep the case because it's adorable.  Plus, it works perfectly for Violet's cosplay!
Magic circle

I ended up forgetting to take photos of the setups, only video!  Except for the photos I took with Violet in them.
Matching matching!

On the outside of the shop was some old-school art.  It's so nostalgic to see this type of linework!
They are twins!  Probably similar age, too

Overall, it was much smaller than I expected, but I really liked some of the goods they carried this time, so I ordered a Clear Card umbrella (has the Clear Card magic circle on it), a mug with lid and spoon, and a keychain.
Grade school Sakura!
I'll post photos when the goods arrive~
Sealing Violet!

I will try to upload the video I made of the exhibit/pop-up shop!  Praying it works 🙏

There was a photo booth machine as a part of the exhibit so my friend and I took 3 sets of photos.  It was really rushed and you can only retake photos 1 time, but I think they turned out well enough!

There was also a cafe, but as it was late, absolutely everything other than a few lollipops was sold out.

The cafe looked cute at least!

I wish I could have gotten one of the sweets or a drink with coaster, but oh well!  It was not to be.
Only the magic wand lollipops were left!

The cafe area had a little decoration with fake sakura trees and standing tables.

Afterwards, we went to the building next door food court.  In a rare occurrence, I had Korean food!  Generally, I don't enjoy Korean food, but this seafood pot was pretty delicious~
I had seaweed rice with it

The two of us ended up eating and chatting until the department store shut down.  It was a lovely day!

Do you prefer Clow Card, Sakura Card, or Clear Card?  In terms of book/card, I love the Sakura Cards the most, but in terms of magic circles, I prefer the Clear Card magic circle!  When it comes to wands, I adore all three designs, though Clow wand does seem the most unique with its bird-head design.

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