Friday, September 27, 2024

Monster Hunter 20th Anniversary x Sushiro Collaboration!

 Yes, it's another Monster Hunter restaurant collab!! And the goods this time are quite nice in my opinion!

This time it's Sushiro, the Japanese brand of conveyor belt sushi. One branch got a full makeover with interior decorations, but it's too far away to bother going to, so my friends and I met up at a closer one.  There was only a Rajang standee here, but I got a photo!

RAR! It's Rajang!

There were some special collab dishes!  Each would come with a random Monster Hunter weapon card, and the tuna variety platter came with a random sticker.

I won't bore you with the regular salmon nigiri dishes I usually get 😅 But do check out this Rathian egg dish and the card I got!
Lovely armor

It was an onsen egg coated and fried, sitting in a nest of fried scallion strips~
Jammy yolk!!!

It was SO delicious!!!  I'm already wishing I had another one right now!

Then my friend treated us each to the variety tuna platter:
Lots of tuna!

I got the Monster Hunter G sticker with the well-known Rathalos on it~

Though there wasn't much decoration, they did have this card for measuring how many plates you've eaten, paired with different monsters:

There is a lottery for everybody who eats 100 plates.  You stand a chance to win a T-shirt, a well-done steak bag, or a monitor (only one winner) but... 100 plates??  How many people or trips do you need to get that many!!

Today was the first day that they opened pre-orders for some of the goods you can get! I actually almost forgot about pre-ordering when it came time to pay 🙃 but fortunately, my friend reminded me!!

For every $400 you spend, you can pre-order one item.  I pre-ordered the Item Box cooler bag which won't arrive until November, and I have to return to this same shop in order to pick it up. I've put the receipt and pick-up note on my fridge so I don't forget 🙏

The item box cooler bag design

After eating, we walked around the metro mall for a bit and I spotted some other Monster Hunter goods!

It was my first time seeing the Monster Hunter glasses designs in person. Though I no longer need to wear glasses, I tried some on anyway~  I really like the Zinogre ones (far right)

There were some pretty nice details in the frames that this photo doesn't display

Then I saw a gacha of monsters in pitfall traps!! It's quite a useless product, so I didn't get any.  Plus, it's rather expensive at NT$150 (US$5) for just one!!  They do look detailed, so maybe it is worth the price.  I don't have anywhere to display them though, so no collecting junk for me!

It was nice to get out and eat some good food with friends!  I can't wait for my cooler bag to arrive.  Honestly I'm not too sure what to use it for.... probably grocery shopping, though the goods I get don't usually melt before I get home 😹 so really, I just got it because I wanted it 😤

How many plates of sushi can you normally eat?  I tend to max out around six plates if each plate is 2 nigiri!  Sushiro now has a "less rice" option for some nigiri, but it's the same price as regular. Good for if you're managing your carbs, but bad if you're trying not to eat too many plates!

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