So now I am completely 23 :) Feel like I'm getting so old!
Even worse, I haven't even worn Lolita much this year!
So here is an old comparison photo:
Not the VERY very first outfit, and not the VERY very latest outfit. But the photos taken at my actual birthday celebration were quite unflattering due to my extreme Asian glow and the fact that my alcohol tolerance is extremely poor so I got extremely drunk extremely fast. I did get to try absinthe, though!
It was the first time to try this drink for many of us, so we learned the hard way that if you do not blow out the fire quickly enough (after you drop the blazing sugar cube in, the absinthe catches fire), science takes place and the glass will split very smoothly and perfectly at the edge of the alcohol due to the heat difference between the heated top portion of the glass and the cold bottom portion. Science at its best!
I cannot wait for summer to arrive so that there will be more time to do fun things!
Hope you are all having a great week/break if you are already on break!