My family came together (those of us in Taiwan and Mainland China, and my dad from America to see his passing. I got there too late for a last look, but was able to burn incense and bow to Buddha and my grandpa. The funeral is next week, so I will not be updating much. Both my sisters are coming to Taiwan, I Think!!
We used to have Halloween together, wearing handmade costumes that got passed down the line. I don't remember much about childehood, and I don't remember what candy we got or whose house was scariest, but I know we did it!!
After these years, I supposed we have all grown up
Like that? Do we look like that now??
I haven't been in the same place with both my sisters for quite some time now. IT's odd how growing u you cannot wait to have your siblings vanish, but when you move out, their presence seems like a fresh breath of memories. At least until they overstay their welcome and remember why you wanted them to leave in the first place.
So, what did I do for Halloween this year? I had a photoshoot for my assignment due the next day!
Can you guess what it is? Albeit, it's more of a fashion interpretation than a full-out costume, but it's still good!!! I'll post the answer tomorrow :)
How was your Halloween? Did you dress up? Reactions? Loot? Let me know!
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