The most recent Lolita meetup was a sailor-themed meetup at a pirate-themed restaurant in 西門町/XiMenDing called Ducat Gold. It was very goofy and lovely!

Hands up!
Hat: borrowed from Ducat Gold (they had many props!)
Sailor Boleo, Blouse, JSK: handmade my be
Gun: Disney (brought by another Lolita)
Our host DORO prepared some half-moon cakes and red/white flags for a game! She'd only just returned from Japan but managed to throw together an amazing meetup!
These are the two flags DORO made. We played the raise-flag game similar to Shy Guy Says from Mario Party
The Daiso Japan expression glasses make another appearance! This is probably the worst idea for "punishment" for people who don't adhere to the theme because we all end up taking photos with these on anyway...
Still no makeup,but I'm happy to say laser vision correction has worked out very well for me so far!
My nail stickers even fit the theme!!
Seriously had too much fun with the gun props!!!!!
Paying the bill. Teddy is rolling in dough!
We played the flag game and Teddy ended up winning D: I actually was out the first or second round...
The tides have turned! Help!
Best captain will defend the ship!
We all have sailor collars!
Check out our shoes
And of course finger shots. I cheated and used two hands because I was proud of my nail stickers!
Sorry for the lack of photoshop on everything except the first photo...
Hope you still enjoy the looks!