On August 5th we had a mini-meetup with a theme: Sailor Lolita! I made a dress in three days for this meetup because I had no sailor-theme anything :( The dress isn't perfect, but I actually quite like it!
The restaurant we met up at was Greek-themed. I am no expert on Greek cuisine, but I am pretty sure this was not as authentic as you can get. However, it was still delicious!
First up, a group shot of us:
It is probably difficult to see everybody's outfits :P Click on the photo to make it larger!
I chose to make my dress in a Pink X White colorway rather than Navy Blue X White or Navy Blue X Red X White because I wanted to make a dress that could match more things in my wardrobe as well as not look too "AHOY, SAILOR!" for daily wear. Or maybe it is just because I really like the color pink v_v
More photos follow:
I ordered a vegetarian gyro. It came in a DIY-style setup and was quite delicious!
There was grilled peppers and apples, lettuce, onions, potato wedges, and a yummy yogurt-based dip! It all got wrapped up in the pita bread. I love getting hands-on with my food, so this was awesome!
Originally I had been planning on doing low, looped braded pigtails with two hair ribbons, but my hair is too long and it looked silly! So I ended up doing a LeiFang style with looped pigtails higher up on the sides of my head:
Commercial Break!
This is a gif of LeiFang for those of you who don't play Dead or Alive series:
/Commercial Break
And of course, every Sailor Lolita needs a salutation pose!
Aye, aye, Cap'n!
I'm thinking of making a couple more detachable ribbons to go on this dress. The sailor collor is entirely removable so that the dress can be worn in a less theme-y coordinate. I do love Sailor Lolita style, but versatility is even better ;) Detachable collars, waist ties, ribbons, belts, etc. make it easy to dress up or down depending on the situation!