Friday, February 16, 2024

Valentine's Day Sakura Blossoms

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?  If so, I hope you had a lovely one!  If not, hope you had a great day all the same.  I spent the day with my mom! 💓

We went to Ikea for breakfast and then went to a park to see the cherry blossoms. It was quite bright and sunny 🌞 so I was rather hot, and it made taking photos difficult because I couldn't actually see my screen or keep my eyes open long!

There were quite a few people around, and some of the trees were starting to wilt (you can see that the leaves have already sprouted) so many people crowded around fewer trees.  It didn't take too long to wait for a chance to get a photo though!

There were also many people with tents set up around the park. It's a pretty large one that takes a long time to walk through!

In addition to these pale pink blossoms, there were also the hot pink trees, but I'm not as much a fan of that variety so we did not take any photos with them.

Taiwan Teddy is also here!

I wore a pair of heels for the day even though we were walking 😹 To be honest, this particular pair is very comfortable.  However, due to the shape of my foot/toes, all shoes will rub on the toes, so I did end up with blisters on the sides of my toes, but it actually wasn't very painful, which I'm glad for!


I love the bag I was carrying that day, but the pleather has begun to peel significantly and sheds everywhere, so it's time to say goodbye 😿 

At the park we also saw some ladies who had a bunch of large parrots!!!  They're really expensive, so I wonder if they are staff at a parrot shop taking them out for sun and air?  I can't imagine a family owning this many large birds, especially with how small Taipei houses/apartments are.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog!  I wish you a good rest of your day~

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