The Non-Lolita style I've fallen in love with is a mix or girly and rock styles. I found a bunch of inspiring outfits from a Japanese street snap website and organised them into a Photobucket Story. It's my first time to use this feature, so I hope it works correctly!
I probably won't go so far as to dye my hair or wear heavy makeup, but I really like the mix of dark and pastel colors, studs and floral prints, and may even venture into the foreign land of "pants." It's really been so long since I've worn real pants... let alone shorts!! Hopefully I can find some cute ones to suit daily wear :) It's difficult to find clothes in my size because I'm rather large, especially in the bum and thigh area O_Q
What non-Lolita style have you fallen in love with? I know some Lolitas wear gyaru fashion, too (especially with the serious increase of gyaru influence in Lolita fashion in recent years), but I want to know what other styles you are all interested in!
Other Participating Blogs:
Kira Kira Shoujo
Masquerade Doll
Hello Kitty Loves Disney
Lace a la Mode
Sweet and Simple