~Author Unknown
Only 15 more days until Halloween! Have you begun planning a party yet? Decor, guests, and of course, food! My favorite part of parties is definitely the food. I love making beautiful (or scary!) displays for my guests. The more creative, the better!
A Lolita Halloween party would be an awesome meetup idea. It would require that one Lolita has a house big enough to host it though, or be able to rent somewhere if your local group is too big. After composing a guest list, you should then have a good idea of how much food to prepare.
The Gothic and Lolita Bible used to have food sections with Gothic recipes which would work perfectly for Halloween! I have compiled a list of Halloween recipes that would be nice at a Lolita Halloween party (not too messy!)
Savory Dishes
Ghostly Mashed Potatoes
We can't survive only on sweets! This is a super easy way to spookify your savory dishes!
Brain Dip with Bone Sticks
If you are in a hurry or not feeling confident in your hummus-making skills, you can buy pre-made hummus and put it in the bread bowl.
Cauldron Dip
A similar idea to the above, but with a bread cauldron instead!
Rat Stew in a Pumpkin
Yes, this is actually made in a pumpkin! The recipe is a bit more involved. Good for the aspiring chef!
Mummy Dogs
Everybody has probably seen this recipe already. It is not even really a recipe. Just wrap hot dogs (or vegetarian hot dogs) in strips of dough (Pillsbury pizza dough works great), toast, and serve!
Spooky Pizza
A variation would be to let each guest make a mini-pizza with English muffins. Try making mummy faces or witches!
Monster Mouths
These stuffed shells are cute and endearing!
Bread Coffin
Really, you could bake anything into the bread, not just mac and cheese. It might be a bit messy though!
We don't want literal cavities!
Apple Monsters
Nice and simple. Minimal mess. And of course, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Banana Caterpillar
Prepare a couple of these and use the pretzel sticks as toothpicks for less clean up work!
Banana Ghosts
Cute and simple treat!
Brownie Coffins
You can premake the coffins (or use box mix) and have each girl decorate her own for uniqueness! The messy factor here is pretty minimal if you use squeezing frosting rather than spreading frosting. Remember to give each guest a dainty fork for eating!
Bat Cupcakes
Another good Decorate It Yourself recipe!
Corset Cookies
A GLB Recipe
Made much like cakepops, just bake a cake, crumble, and form. Then cover in chocolate and decorate!
Skull Chocoballs
A GLB Recipe
Another cakepop-esque recipe! To make this easier, you could just cover donut holes or truffles and then decorate
Cheesecake Candles
A GLB Recipe
I want to try making this no-bake cheesecake.... if I can find cream cheese here! If I do make this, I will make a post about it!
Vampire Bites and Mummy Cakes
A simple but creative Halloween sweet treat!
Trick or Treat Pops
Adorable and spooky ideas for a group of cakepops!
Pumpkin Pie Bites
Let your guests bring some home with them! These bite-sized treats reduce the risk of messy pumpkin pie filling spilling on your frills
Pumpkin Patch Cake
An amazing idea for a cake! The individual pumpkins make it easy for guests to bring them home. Maybe they can decorate the cupcakes themselves! And the house can be eaten at the party!
Blood Worms
WARNING: Very realistic looking!
Whew, I have spent a lot of time on the internet these past few days @_@ One of the reasons (other than looking for cool things to share on this blog!) is about to be revealed... maybe in a few days when it is more complete ;)
Have fun inventing your own Halloween treats! If you have more ideas, please share!
Photo by Zemotion
"Where there is no imagination there is no horror"
- - -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle