Saturday, October 30, 2010

Meetup Report~Rose House Meetup 2010-10-30 (Image Heavy!)

Today was my very first meetup in Taiwan! Unfortunately the coffee house I wanted to go to had no space Despite email assurance that I could hold a space for 12 if I went 10 minutes early to let them know, they said they had no space until 3. One of the older lolitas had gone to check because she was there a bit earlier. We just waited at the MRT station for everybody and I felt awful

Luckily, Doro was able to call around and get us a space at an English tea house called Rose House so the day was saved!!

Rose House


The girl wearing CBB is 望. She was the first girl I met at MRT station. She is pretty quiet, this was only her second meetup. She is very nice though!

The girl in the Alice Trick or Treat skirt is pretty nice too! I talked to her a bit at Rose House about makeup and stuff ;P

Me and Xiao Xia, whom I met second at the MRT station. She is really nice!

The girl sitting next to me came with Xiao Xia

These four are the older lolitas. They are all wearing AP!
The girl in mint Room Print came later and she is very nice.
 I don't remember anybody's names, sorry!
Doro is the one in mint Jewelry Jelly! I talked to her more on the way back home and she's really sweet and nice :)

Another shot

Table shot! PieRot is sitting next to Doro (with the huge, brown hair)
And you totally can't see the girl who was wearing BABY or her guy. She had a BABY bonnet and black JSK with white lace and blouse. Didn't get to talk to her too much, but we did talk about colored contacts (she was wearing them too!) Seems pretty nice. She's in her first year of college. Her guy was reading most of the time, but did speak up to yell at some people taking "sneaky" photos of us after we were done eating and just hanging out

Speaking of sneaky photos, today was the first time I have noticed a sneaky photo of me getting taken!! I was waiting for the MRT and a girl standing next to me definitely took out her cell phone to snap a shot of me and I looked directly at her (and she looked back), and just tried to cover my face by brushing back my hair. Which was actually all put up ^^;

All in all, a pretty good first meet. Everybody seems pretty nice though there are definitely some girls who know each other already (the older lolitas have been wearing for many years - the one in the Room Print has apparently been a lolita for 10 years!) so it was a little bit hard to get into conversation, but as it got later in the day (we stayed from about 3 to past 6) I talked more to the older lolitas since we were all sitting together XD And the younger ones had to leave earlier.